Exciting innovation at PEZ: customised PEZ MyHEAD dispensers make everyone a celebrity

The iconic Star Wars actor Carrie Fisher (a.k.a. Princess Leia) once said: “You’re not famous until your head is on a PEZ dispenser”. Now, an innovative new development is giving her words a whole new meaning by making it possible for anyone to have their own customised PEZ dispenser made.


Creating a bespoke dispenser is easy with the PEZ MyHEAD app. You simply take a photo in the app or upload an existing picture. An avatar is generated from the image which the user can then configure by choosing from a range of hairstyles, selecting their hair colour and picking a suitable torso.


Once the order has been placed, the dispenser is made using a 3D printer with the help of an experienced 3D printing specialist. The dispensers are produced on state-of-the-art machines, and the results are truly impressive.


Finally, the dispensers are packaged in a smart slipcase. This presentation box makes it clear that PEZ sees the product as a high-quality gift or treat for yourself. “With PEZ MyHEAD, we’re offering a fantastic new product for anyone who loves innovative ideas,” says Hans Bangelmeier, Managing Director of PEZ. “Until now, only famous faces from films, comics and games got the chance to feature on a PEZ dispenser. Now, anyone can. That makes an extremely personal, highly original gift for someone you care about.”


There is a premium version for those who have a very distinctive profile or whose hairstyle is not in the list of options. This means a 3D artist reworks the data for the figure before the dispenser is produced to match the photo even more closely.


The PEZ MyHEAD app works with a single photo. Additional profile shots are taken for the premium option. The quality of the photo is important. Shadows and reflections may appear on the printed dispenser, so good lighting is crucial. What’s more, there should be no hair (not even a fringe) covering the person’s face and their mouth should be closed. Glasses and headwear cannot be printed, so these should be removed before taking a picture. These points mean there is scope to enhance the app further in the future.




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