PEZ Exotic Mix – the taste of tropical fruits in a handy pack

Bananas are a staple of any fruit basket. So, why not try banana PEZ? Sounds delicious! Since variety is the spice of life and exotic fruits are currently all the rage, however, we’ve decided to give the banana some company. That’s why it can now be found mingling in the PEZ Exotic Mix with other fruit candies: fresh and fruity mango, slightly sour lychee and sweet-and-sour nashi pear. Nashi pear? They’re the ones that look and taste a bit like an apple and mainly grow in East Asia.

The jazzy packaging is reminiscent of the most beautiful colours in the jungle and visually highlights the tasty variety within.



Copyright for images: © & TM by PEZ AG


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PEZ Press Magazin: PEZ Exotic Mix
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